Celestial Weather Bulletin for December 15, 2013
You can follow Celestial Weather on Twitter at http://twitter.com/celestialweathr I use Twitter to point to examples of Celestial Weather in the media.Find out how the Celestial Weather affects your chart. Book a reading with Rich. Note to Readers: The Celestial Weather affects us depending on the relation between our own horoscope and the positions of the planets in our sky. If your chart is connected, the weather will have a strong impact on your life and the energy will enter your life and, through you, the lives of those around you. If your chart is not connected, the weather will happen out in your world and you’ll observe the energies and be less affected. Sometimes we’re actors and other times we’re audience.
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There’s a Full Moon in Gemini on Tuesday, the same day that Uranus changes direction. Full Moons always bring climaxes. Choices must be made and commitments become visible. We act out the balance of the Sun and Moon, considering both head and heart as we decide. The Gemini Moon is about the close, the familiar, the language we understand. The Sun in Sagittarius is reaching for the new and distant, urging us to grow out and into the public light. We need to find a balance of these in our lives.
Communication is often highlighted on this Full Moon, and with technological Uranus standing still, we can expect an event that puts focus on our complicated electronic systems. Complex systems become more vulnerable to single points of failure. Consider a text message’s technical journey vs. a hand written note.
Communication, as we all know, is key to healthy relationships. With Venus slowing to begin her retrograde period in four days on the Solstice, the need to speak truth is even more important.
Finding a balance in the Yin-Yang Full Moon space with an almost stationary Venus is a real puzzle. Slow steps and compassion for partners who aren’t sure of their feelings will be helpful. In Capricorn, Venus tends to be timid and risk-averse, often to her own detriment. The feeling of visibility and extended responsibility may be intense for those connected to the planets’ current locations. Being frozen in indecision with Uranus lighting fuses is not comfortable. The inclination to make a decision, any decision, to relieve the pressure can be hard to resist. In this case, resistance is NOT futile. Go slow.
So expect some confusion around the Full Moon with Venus and Uranus almost stationary. There will be pressure to break out of stalemates and moribund situations, but finding the reasons and the words to express them could be difficult. Some of us will feel totally dissatisfied but not know why; this will pass but it may take more than a day or so.
The Winter Solstice, this Saturday, marks the darkest time of the year: shortest days - longest nights; it also marks the end of the fall into darkness and the beginning of the return of light. The birth of spiritual heroes, including Jesus, date their birth at this time of returning light and hope. This is time when our social structures support us through the cold and snow. The Solstice makes Saturn’s testing obvious in the bare branches of the trees and the deep roots that survive the winter darkness.
On this Solstice Saturday Venus is standing still to go retrograde. Reactions to people and situations will take longer, and after she’s retrograde we will need to do “double takes” on new people and what we want to bring into our lives. First impressions will seem tentative and even murky, and after the 21st new people should be evaluated, put on hold, and then re-evaluated before making commitments. Expect some relationships to change in both directions: old-to-new and new-to-old. This will be a good time to discuss and revise existing long-term relationships that need work and to fine-tune those that are working well.
Venus is retrograde from December 21st through January 31st. Watch her go from being the bright Evening Star to the newly born Morning Star during this time; Venus will be lower and lower in the evening sky as she catches up with and passes the Earth on her inside orbit around the Sun.
Sunday December 15, 2013 Gemini Moon
A Gemini Moon ends the Taurean placidity, we feel a growing buzz as Uranus slows to resume normal motion with Tuesday's Full Moon.
Monday December 16, 2013 Gemini Moon
Words can't come out fast enough or come too fast to be understood. The Gemini Moon passes opposite Mercury. Buzzing stronger now.
Tuesday December 17, 2013 Gemini->Cancer Moon
The Full Moon in Gemini comes just after midnight and Uranus crackles with energy as he changes direction. We're running on mental nitro-fuel. A slow deep breath is recommended at regular intervals.
Wednesday December 18, 2013 Cancer Moon
The action is closer to home with a Cancer Moon touching Uranian fire and Plutonian cold. Another loss-of-control feeling as the big world bumbles and stumbles.
Thursday December 19, 2013 Cancer->Leo Moon
Try to get comfortable with the complications in our interpersonal lives. Venus is slowing to stop and her hesitant energy befuddles Mars.
Friday December 20, 2013 Leo Moon
A day of endings when the Sun is exiting Sagittarius and the Winter Solstice approaches. It might be time for a Hail Mary pass.
Saturday December 21, 2013 Leo Moon
After today light is returning to the Northern Hemisphere, but it's a curious light with interpersonal redos a feature for this winter. Avoid excessive risk avoidance. Venus goes retrograde.
Venus goes retrograde on December 21 until January 31, 2014
Jupiter is in Cancer until July 2014. Saturn is direct in Scorpio. Uranus is retrograde in Aries. Neptune is direct in Pisces. Pluto is direct in Capricorn.
In the Night Sky
Venus is the very birght Evening Star visible in the west after sunset.
Jupiter rises in the east at sunset and Mars is visible rising around midnight. |