Map of the state of Connecticut showing Indian trails, villages and sachemdoms | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Map of the state of Connecticut showing Indian trails, villages and sachemdoms | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
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Hayden L. Griswold
Title: Map of the state of Connecticut showing Indian trails, villages and sachemdoms
Publisher: Connecticut Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Publication place unkown [1930].
Scale: ca. 1:350,000
1 map: photocopy; 38 x 50 cm
Notes: Relief shown by hachures. Information compiled by Mathias Spiess. Presented by Mrs. Mary Pierson Cheney. Shows location of Connecticut Indian tribes circa 1625.
Hayden L. Griswold
Title: Map of the state of Connecticut showing Indian trails, villages and sachemdoms
Publisher: Connecticut Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Publication place unkown [1930].
Scale: ca. 1:350,000
1 map: photocopy; 38 x 50 cm
Notes: Relief shown by hachures. Information compiled by Mathias Spiess. Presented by Mrs. Mary Pierson Cheney. Shows location of Connecticut Indian tribes circa 1625.
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