Ahoy Neighbor: A case for the Centrist City?

Ahoy Neighbor: A case for the Centrist City?
Yesterday Next American City ran an article titled, No One Votes for Mayor Anymore.  The article cited an average of ~23% of registered voters showed up at the polls for the Mayoral elections in 12 Major US Cities compared with over 50% who showed up for the Presidential election just over a year ago.
But wait there's good news. In New Haven, CT voter turnout was very different. According to DATAHaven in New Haven voter turnout was at 41%.  The even better news is the political climate that contributed to the higher turn-out is repeatable...if we are honest with ourselves about what is happening in cities.
- See more at: http://benjaminberkowitz.blogspot.com/2013/11/a-case-for-centrist-city.html#sthash.c0NTaE0q.dpuf

A case for the Centrist City?

Yesterday Next American City ran an article titled, No One Votes for Mayor Anymore.  The article cited an average of ~23% of registered voters showed up at the polls for the Mayoral elections in 12 Major US Cities compared with over 50% who showed up for the Presidential election just over a year ago.
But wait there's good news. In New Haven, CT voter turnout was very different. According to DATAHaven in New Haven voter turnout was at 41%.  The even better news is the political climate that contributed to the higher turn-out is repeatable...if we are honest with ourselves about what is happening in cities.
- See more at: http://benjaminberkowitz.blogspot.com/2013/11/a-case-for-centrist-city.html#sthash.lj7qpotN.dpuf
