Blogging While Brown 2014 Tickets, New York - Eventbrite

Blogging While Brown 2014 Tickets, New York - Eventbrite

Blogging While Brown 2014

Blogging While Brown

Friday, June 27, 2014 at 8:00 AM - Saturday, June 28, 2014 at 10:30 PM (EDT)

New York, NY


Blogging While Brown 2014 will be June 27-28,2014 in New York City. Since its launch in 2008, Blogging While Brown has grown to become the premier blogging conference dedicated to education, collaboration, and innovation among bloggers of color. The conference brings Black social media experts, speakers, and independent content creators together to expand their influence in social media and technology. The conference offers an opportunity to learn tools and strategies to build engaging and dynamic online platforms, leverage online engagement for offline results, and create sustainable business and activism models.

Tentative Schedule
June 27, 2014
Afternoon -General Sessions I & II - BLOGGING WHILE BROWN CONFERENCE ( General Sessions will not begin before pre-conference ends)
Afternoon - Blogger Opportunity Fair
Afternoon - Non-profit and Emerging Business Fair
Evening - Opening Party
June 28, 2014
Morning and Afternoon - General Sessions and Breakouts- BLOGGING WHILE BROWN CONFERENCE
Evening - Closing Party
Have questions about Blogging While Brown 2014? Contact Blogging While Brown 

