25th Anniversary & Annual Good Egg Celebration

 25th Anniversary & Annual Good Egg Celebration
Let us honor this year's Good Eggs for their admirable work in the Greater New Haven community

Please join us for dinner, a silent auction, and live music

Eggs Image   

Mayor John DeStefano
City Of New Haven  

the late Mr. Harvey Koizim
Community Builder, Philantropist 
Thursday November 7, 2013 
5:30-9:30 p.m.

Anthony's Ocean View  

450 Lighthouse Road New Haven, CT 06512

Purchase tickets online or contact Darcy Arcand  by phone (203) 789-8690 ext. 127  or e-mail darcy@gnhclf.org. 
Tickets are $100.

Current Event Sponsors 
Platinum Sponsor
NewAlliance Foundation
Gold Sponsors
Mellville Charitable Trust
People's United Bank
R2D Corporation

Silver Sponsors
Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
TD Bank
Webster Bank
Bronze Sponsors
Carmody and Torrance, LLP
Naugatuck Savings Bank
Current Business Advertisers
First Niagara Bank, Cheney and Company, Fusco Construction, Hillcrest Agency, Housing Enterprises, Inc., Liberty Community Services, Mary Wade Home, Mayo Crowe, LLC., National Equity Fund, Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven, Olympia Properties, Quinnipiac Bank, Trillium Asset Management, United Way of Greater New Haven
About Us:   GNHCLF
The Greater New Haven Community Loan Fund is a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution that has been investing in the Greater New Haven Community since 1987.

GNHCLF provides vital financing to nonprofit organizations, invests in the development of affordable housing, provides foreclosure prevention assistance at no cost, finances the development of supportive housing, and invests in projects that creates an retains local jobs.
This email was sent to tomficklin@aol.com by darcy@gnhclf.org |  
The Greater New Haven Community Loan Fund | 171 Orange Street, 3rd Fl | New Haven | CT | 06510-3111
