Join Get Healthy CT!

Jeannette Ickovics and Althea Marshall Brooks

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

New Haven, CT

As a New Haven leader in the fight against obesity, you inspire us!
Join us to shape our vision, strengthen connections and share your ideas to improve health in New Haven. Celebrate New Haven’s 375th anniversary in 2013 by helping us lose 375,000 pounds in two years!
Why Get Healthy CT? New Haven has many programs and services focused on nutrition and physical activity, but they remain isolated from their collective potential to make the “healthy” choice the easy choice in New Haven. Get Healthy CT will be a critical connecting point for continuous partner growth – the missing step in delivering widespread health solutions that are part of life in our city.
Our aim is to build a single network where ideas, policies and resources around nutrition and physical activity can be amplified to speed up progress in preventing obesity. We will foster collaboration among health care providers, community organizations, schools, government, businesses and individuals – supporting existing and new evidence-based policies and programs.
Obesity and chronic disease account for 75% of our $2.5 trillion dollar health care expenditures in the US. Addressing obesity is also critical for our local economy and the health and well-being of individuals, families and our community.
This action-oriented meeting will build on many of the collaborations already in place, leveraging evidence from our recent community health needs assessments and your on-going work to prevent obesity and promote health in our community. Some funding for Get Healthy CT has already been committed, and we are seeking additional support so that priorities identified can be implemented soon after the meeting.
Get Healthy CT will:
  • Provide a centralized web directory of local resources to help people meet their health goals,
  • Support a network of new and existing stakeholders through workgroups on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Infrastructure Support to promote existing or implement new evidence-based policies and programs
  • Strive to improve health in New Haven

Get Healthy CT is an invitation to everyone. As someone who is passionate about our community, please join our collaboration for health change across New Haven.
