The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Greater New Haven Branch
Founded in 1917
545 Whalley Avenue - New Haven, CT 06511

                                    For more information:
Gary R. Smart 203 809 5508

GREATER NEW HAVEN NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner to Focus on urban challenges & Opportunities for change   

New Haven, Conn. – May 3, 2013 – On the heels of a report that takes a comprehensive look at the status of minority affairs in greater New Haven, the Branch has invited national board chair Roslyn M. Brock as its Keynote speaker for the 2013 Freedom Fund Dinner. She will bring the national perspective of how the NAACP is affecting change across the country.  The event will be held at the Omni Hotel on May 9th with the theme of “Your Power, Your Decision; Freedom And Equality”.  Chairman Brock made history in February 2010 when she was unanimously elected the 14th Chairman of the NAACP. She became the youngest person and fourth women to hold this position. Brock has served for nine years as Vice Chairman of the NAACP National Board of Directors. She also serves on the board of a number of organizations including the Catholic Health Association of America and George Washington University. A magna cum laude graduate of Virginia Union, she also received a Master of Divinity from the same institution. She holds an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. On a local level, the Branch will be honoring business and industry leaders as well as individuals who have improved the lives of greater New Haven residents through outstanding achievement. Honorees include Yale New Haven Hospital: Corporate Award, Bartron Medical Imaging: Business Award, Pamela McLoughlin: Media Award, and Clifford Beers Clinic: Health Award. The Branch will also recognize the longtime dedication and leadership of 1st Vice President Doris Dumas with its prestigious Martin Luther King Award.

To attend the event, a $100 donation is requested which includes a one year membership and subscription to Crises Magazine. For tickets and information please call 203 389 7275 or

