Equity, Demography and the Future of the American Economy Wednesday, April 10 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. PST

PolicyLink | Lifting Up What Works

Equity, Demography and the Future of the American Economy

Wednesday, April 10
9:00 - 10:00 a.m. PST

This webinar makes the case that in light of the nation’s demographic transformation, pursuing strategies that create more inclusion are no longer only moral imperatives—they are economic ones. Presenters will share the latest on the demographic shifts changing the country and outline emerging research that makes the case that equity-driven growth and business development are fundamental to the nation’s economic future.

Featured Speakers:
Angela Glover Blackwell
Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Manuel Pastor
Professor of Sociology and American Studies & Ethnicity
University of Southern California
Charles Rutheiser
Senior Associate
Center for Community and Economic Opportunity
Annie E. Casey Foundation

To join the webinar:
  1. Go to: https://meetingoftheminds.webex.com/meetingoftheminds/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=192701078
  2. Enter your name, email address, and this event password: 1234
  3. On the event Information page that appears, click “Start Now”.
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Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493
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Access Code: 192 701 078
Event Password: 1234

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