Superman isn’t coming: Grassroots efforts to end urban violence - The Root DC Live - The Washington Post
Superman isn’t coming: Grassroots efforts to end urban violence - The Root DC Live - The Washington Post
The general apathy got me thinking that we need a different model when addressing this violence. Instead of “waiting for Superman,” we need community-based solutions to these social problems. With that in mind, I interviewed three individuals from the black Church, the Nation of Islam and hip-hop communities. While the power of these institutions in shaping black political consciousness may not be as strong as in decades past, they remain three of the most influential forces shaping black values and actions.
The general apathy got me thinking that we need a different model when addressing this violence. Instead of “waiting for Superman,” we need community-based solutions to these social problems. With that in mind, I interviewed three individuals from the black Church, the Nation of Islam and hip-hop communities. While the power of these institutions in shaping black political consciousness may not be as strong as in decades past, they remain three of the most influential forces shaping black values and actions.