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February 2013

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CMHP Chair Message

The discussion of race and racism in health disparities work has long been the elephant in the room, a topic that many seem to avoid. However, if racism didn’t exist, would we need to talk about racial and ethnic health disparities? Probably not. The truth of the matter is that if we are to strive to eliminate health disparities, we need to address efforts to end racism.

With this in mind, this past September, Connecticut Multicultural Health Partnership (CMHP) established an Ad Hoc Committee on Racism tasked with identifying ways to address the issue when talking about health disparities.
Additionally, CMHP’s Executive Committee in the coming month will hold the first of a number of retreats to begin examining our experiences with racism and its impact on our work to end health disparities. The lessons learned from these retreats will be reported back to CMHP membership and the greater community.
I am very pleased that CMHP has embarked upon a path to address racism in health disparities work. It is my strong belief that all of us, together, will end racism; and together we will bring an end to all health disparities.
Brad Plebani
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Fourth Semi Annual Meeting

Themed as a holiday reception, the meeting was organized to allow members the opportunity to network, reconnect, and re-energize with one another. Brad Pleblani, CMHP Chair, highlighted the Partnership’s commitment to language accessRead more »

CMHP Supports "MIA" Day

On December 1, 2012 the CT Multicultural Health Partnership (CMHP) was pleased to support Greater Hartford MIA (Missing In Awareness) Day, an event to raise awareness and bring resources to communities regarding mental health. Read more »

Ad-Hoc Committee on Race

CMHP established an “Ad Hoc Committee on Racism” tasked with identifying ways to address the issue when talking about health disparities.  Leading the committee’s efforts are Ellen Boynton (Vice Chair for Finance and Resource Management) and Mui Mui Hin-McCormick (Vice Chair for Membership Services). If any Partnership members would like to join the committee, please contact them at Ellen.Boynton@ct.gov and Mui.Mui.Hin-Mccormick@cga.ct.gov

Upcoming Events & Meetings

Executive Committee Meeting - February 25, 2012
Officers Meeting - March 18, 2013
Symposium: Moving to the head of the 'CLAS" -  April 30, 2013


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