Cosmic Weather: Special 2013 Report

Cosmic Weather: Special 2013 Report

The best way to decipher the meaning of a year is to combine its Oriental Animal with its numerology. After the Oriental New Year occurs on the 10th of February, 2013 is a 6 Snake Year. The 6 = Task and Obligation, leading to Right Livelihood. The Snake has to do with shedding outmoded forms that have run their course, and undergoing the radical transformation necessary to emerge from the old. As you shed everything in the way of right livelihood, and awaken to the great love within, remember that no barrier can block the creative dream of your soul. 

Shedding Snake, DreamstimeHowever, the old forms are not easy to shed. Even when obsolete, they bite hard into world consciousness, poisoning the future. They become a dead skin shrinking our muscles, crinkling around the eyeballs, blocking our ability to envision a bright future. This dead skin has to get hooked on something abrasive to anchor it while our newborn selves wriggle free, the way a snake hooks dead skin on a cactus to wriggle free. 

The path of evolution this year is neither straightforward nor backward, but winding around, spiraling, serpentine. Like a celestial DNA double helix
