Folks of course would like to know who knew when and what is the future?

What is the meaning of the sign in terms of the socio-political-cultural-financial and economic future?

Will the property in fact be sold?

Is a payment arrangement already in process?

How could this happen?

It is the worst form of journalism to ask questions and not to provide even a theory of an answer.

I plead guilty.

At the moment I do not have any answers only questions.

We here the catch phrase these days of crowd sourcing and team data gathering and collective community reporting.

Perhaps in this case the maximum beating of the drum and the maximum use of the grapevine is necessary .............


Unknown said…
This is a hypocrisy! Anyone that has been or is a member ought to be ashamed for allowing this to happen! All the members that have or do work for the City of New Haven, own property in New Haven, drive around in big cars own property should not have allowed this to go on ! Someone was obviously allowed to steal and the members, officers,and others were just either in on the deal or pitifully ignorant on how to be an organization! Just like the QHouse where the Executive Director was allowed to flush it down the toilet - SOMEBody was allowed to steal the money from the Elks! its a pitiful reflection to the competency of the body ! There was no accountability or outright theft, now the whole community has been robbed once again