When Weicker became governor the agency that is now the state Department of Children and Families was in chaos amid fantastically expensive growth and incompetence. But instead of contemplating the collapse of the family and the resulting poverty, child neglect and abuse, mental illness, and criminality, Connecticut increased subsidies and coddling for single-parent households, often actually households with no parents at all. The more subsidizing and remediation that have been done, the more subsidizing and remediation there have been to do, as government legitimized and facilitated the most anti-social behavior. The expense is now catastrophic and still rising as the problem is always worsened, never alleviated.
The same with education, where for 35 years decline has been diagnosed not as family collapse but as an inadequate school funding formula. Again, catastrophic expense keeps rising as the problem worsens. No standards are enforced in lower education, so higher education has been dumbed down, also at fantastic expense, Connecticut's policy having become to guarantee a college education to students who couldn't hack it in high school.
The same with crime. This week the U.S. attorney general joined the governor in New Haven to announce a program in which officials there and in Hartford and Bridgeport will try to reduce crime by taking gangbangers aside and giving them the good talking-to they never got from the fathers they never had. For every gangbanger who reforms, several more soon will be on the way, along with more tax increases to pay for still more of what never works.

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