Did you know that "Ethnic Gem Charles Newton" Providence RI is committed to "women and minority business enterprises" and is in the position to give technical assistance and help grow your small business? click here and find out more!
Did you know that "Dunkin Brands" under the leadership of Joanne Barnes, Director of Talent Acquisitions is actively seeking Financial Analyst, Consumer Relations Coordinator, Senior Manager of Development, Web Architect Manager and more? Check out the Ethnic Online "Career Center" today! "click here"
Did you know that Ethnic Online held its " Quarterly Magazine Launch Reception" at the world famous"Scullers Jazz Club" featuring R&B vocalist Ray Greene? Also on hand advertising partners "State Street, EMC, Dunkin Brands and affinity partners Black MBA, National Society of Hispanic MBA's & National Association of Asian American Professionals" check out the video and photos! click here
Did you know is a "bi-weekly" segment of Ethnic Online. Our goal is to keep youinspired, motivated & educated to the rich history of New England's Ethnic Professionals and the many opportunities that exist.
Thank you New England and feel free to send me a note and let me know what you think!!