Attend the 4th Annual Supplier Diversity Best Practices Forum

Attend the 4th Annual Supplier Diversity Best Practices Forum:

MBDA logo
The 4th Annual Supplier Diversity 
Best Practices Forum
State Street Pavilion at Fenway Park
4 Yawkey Way
Boston, MA 02215

Fenway Park Entrance Information:
Enter at 20 Yawkey Way and follow directions to the State Street Pavilion

Thursday November 15, 2012 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST

Parking Information:
Limited public parking is available at:

180 Brookline Avenue 
1330 Boylston Street
700 Commonwealth Ave
655 Beacon Street
595 Commonwealth Ave

*parking fees will vary 

The Boston MBDA Business Center and the
Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council are pleased to invite you to the 4th Annual Supplier Diversity Best Practices Forum.
Featuring two panels of Corporate and MBE Business Leaders who will discuss winning supplier diversity practices and the unveiling of the Boston MBDA Business Center's Economic Impact Statement on Supplier Diversity
Space is limited! 
RSVP by November 5th to Sarah James at or 617-578-8900

     Dr. Fred McKinney
     Greater New England MSDC 
Thank you to our generous sponsors:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA
Boston Red Sox
Liberty Mutual Group 
Partners HealthCare System 
State Street Corporation 
The Boston Foundation
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Greater New England MSDC | 4133 Whitney Avenue | Building 4 Box 2 | Hamden | CT | 06518
