The New Superintendency: Challenges and Opportunities 08/22 by The Perkins Platform | Blog Talk Radio
The New Superintendency: Challenges and Opportunities 08/22 by The Perkins Platform | Blog Talk Radio
The preimer broadcast of The Perkins Platform will feature the executive director of the American Association of School Adminsitrators, Dr. Dan Domenech. The host is Dr. Brian Perkins - Director of the Urban Education Leaders Program at Teachers College Columbia University. Dr. Perkins is a national expert on urban school climate and urban district leadership. He has more than a decade of experience as an urban school board president and has been a member of the board of directors for the National School Boards Association.
His guest, Dan Domenech, will discuss some of the most important challenges faced by today's superintendents in public schools throughout the US. As the executive director and a former superintendent of schools, Dan has a unique perspective that will certainly stimulate the audience and provide some interesting topics for debate and discussion. These challenges are certainly linked to great opportunity. Dan will discuss some of these with us and seek feedback on his perspective of the road ahead for today's district leaders.