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 Cosmic Weather Report:
Cosmic Chiropractic Adjustment
July 2012
Santa Cruz, CA
There are times when the world body gets twisted and the collective organism that each of us are a part of gets out of whack. During the last 2,100 years of the Age of Pisces, which ended on June 24 when Uranus squared Pluto, what got most twisted was cultural and economic power. Since way back before the beginning of recorded history, during the fall of Atlantis a few corrupt elite individuals held the fate of the many in their hands, and abused it. 

In our time this same dark karma is being played out on the world stage over and over. Corporate profit has replaced sane policy. The backbone of the collective human organism that we all belong to has gotten knotted in false consciousness, false values, false power, and individuals succumb to the delusion without speaking out or opposing it in some way. This warpage twists the spine of the species, preventing the free flow of energy that wants to regenerate world society. 

The sharp impact of astrological forces in July, hard on the heels of the Uranus-Pluto square that ushered us into Aquarius last month, can be understood as a sudden cosmic chiropractic adjustment to snap the world body back into place and release chronic karmic pain. During the Age of Pisces the few ruled the many. Power was in the hands of kings, popes and monarchs. During the Aquarian Age power is scheduled to be returned toHart Boraxthe people. Because this Age is in its infancy, this transformation won't happen overnight. It's just beginning now and everyone alive is a bridge between the Old and New. It's up to us now to hold a strong vision of a better way for our world, ourselves, and most of all - our children.

The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3rd is the first chiropractic adjustment of the month. This falls on 13 degrees Capricorn, a degree which plunges us into intensities that we've been creating for a long time without realizing it. Capricorn rules inner and outer structures: the skeleton, the spine, the back, bones and knees as well as political and cultural institutions. Like a human body that adapts bad posture and pays for it in old age, our distortions are crippling us, and the straightening of this bad posture can realign both your own body and, by extension, world culture. This Full Moon sends a laser beaming into the personal and larger structures you belong to. But chiropractic adjustment can hurt, which means this Moon packs a sting that can backfire if you blame the world's pain on someone else without recognizing how you may be contributing to it by lapsing into a warped posture over a long period of time without awakening to what you're doing. The job of July's Full Moon is to illuminate rightful and wrongful uses of power.

IP Ritual FireA stronger adjustment occurs when Mars (personal willpower) opposes Uranus (sudden transformation.) This opposition is at full strength on July 18, but is in effect through the month. With Mars in Libra now, it's easy for personal willpower to get manipulated by presentation and show, rather than seeing through the sham to the real story below. Washington, DC becomes an extension of Hollywood. The Politics of Personality dominate the truth of the issues. When Uranus in Aries locks into a 180-degree angle with this Mars, sudden transformation strikes in the form of relationships, because the relationship between you and just one other person forms your basic politics. In both personal and social realms this opposition is going to link the use of power with the need for transformation. Where power blocks genuine evolution the potent rays of Uranus will strike like the Tower card of the Tarot - knocking down false systems. Where power serves evolution surging boosts of transformation will electrify those situations.

During the end of the 2,100 year long Piscean Age our species got kinked into its most severe twist. During a time of such falsehood and distortion we can't get back to something real without twisting the twist. This month's cosmic weather is energized by fresh gales, strong winds of change, intense lunar spotlights, many kinds of adjustments to untwist the twist.

The best way to make use of this volatile weather is to ask:WHAT DO I NEED TO TRANSFORM INSIDE MYSELF IN ORDER TO TRANSFORM THE WORLD?

When we changed the world in the 1960s with music, politics, sex, art, acid and street theatre, the world changed back. Forces of counter-evolution got scared that they would lose their powerful hold over mass consciousness. When truth makes it through a corrupt system, however, it's hard to stop it. The form of truth beginning to leak through the masquerade now is different than in the Sixties - it's less surface-oriented and more deeply rooted. The False World has had many decades to root itself, and so the uprising of consciousness must come from a more deeply rooted level. This means that the current Revolution in Consciousness is going to take longer to get fully mobilized, and last longer. We have to prepare for a twenty-year social transformation that will be the make-it-or-break-it point of western society.

It's not enough to change yourself, as it was in the 1980s New Age Personal Transformation revolution. It's also not enough to change the world through fiery social causes, like it was in the Sixties. The current revolution, summons you to find the way to change yourself that changes the world.

The paradigm we're overthrowing is the one where a small elite group of people runs everything in a way that ruins the world. To sign up for the revolution locate what you need to transform inside yourself in order to transform the world.  

 Who Are You Really?  What Are You Here For?
 How Much Longer Are You Going To Wait?  
Mark Borax is a Soul Level Astrologer and bestselling author who lives in Vermont and writes the monthly Cosmic Weather Report email newsletter. He will be doing personal readings in Santa Cruz from July 1 to July 6. To learn more about his work or schedule a session, contact him at He's going to speak in-depth on the Summer of 2012 on July 2 at 7:15 PM at the Center for World Networking in Santa Cruz, CA.

Mark Borax
Soul Level Astrologer

Please share this information as far as possible.  Anyone wishing to sign up, please do so through my website: This is a private list -- I do not share it. For personal readings, email me at My books, Cosmic Weather Report and 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Futurecan be ordered on my website or at your local bookstore.
