Kenji Kumara Blows My Mind! ** Divine shift and Healing Wednesday with Maureen Moss

Kenji Kumara Blows My Mind! ** Divine shift and Healing Wednesday with Maureen Moss: "Kenji Kumara is startling in his power and his focus. Kenji took us through an attunement so deep that I'm still reeling from it. Kenji describes the purpose of his work, Quantum Lightweaving, as "awakened and embodied en-light-en-ment in everyday living." The goal of the work is bringing souls into the unified field of many possibilities, to align with Source Energy, to be at one with God. Meditation and prayer take you to the same state, Kenji says but that is difficult for many. If you listen to his attunements you will experience the same thing. Truly he took us on a journey into tranformation and miracles."
