MBE Day at the Capitol
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
8AM to 12PM
L.O.B. Room 310 - Hartford, CT
Ethnic MBEs receive less than 1% of the total state contracts although the minority population is approximately 30%. This staggering statistic is a result of a flawed process for administering the certification of small businesses (SBE), women businesses (WBE) and minority businesses (MBE) in the State of Connecticut. Connecticut has a 25% set-aside for doing business with SBE and 25% of that amount totaling 6.25% is set-aside for MBE. However, the lines of distinctions are compromised, so that a WBE is considered a MBE in Connecticut and unfortunately, there are many WBE companies acting as fronts for larger white male owned companies. Given that State agencies can satisfy their MBE goals by contracting with WBEs, MBEs continue to be excluded while the “front” organizations benefit from the set-asides.
Another obstacle faced by MBEs is the use of an outdated disparity study from 1995. Last year, the legislators approved a one-time cost of $500,000 to $1.0 million to have a disparity study completed in 2012. However, earlier this month the Governor’s office eliminated the funding. The disparity study will provide a current and accurate snapshot of the businesses in the State. The disparity study will also provide an updated fair and accurate rate of set-aside for the minority and women owned businesses.
In addition to the disparity study MBEs are requesting that the goals for WBE and MBE companies are separated. This separation will provide fair contracting percentages for WBE and MBE owned companies vs. the 99% to 1% split that is currently the situation. Lastly, the MBE community request that the State appropriately fund the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to allow for accurate certification of SBE, MBE, WBE, Veteran Owned and Disabled Owned companies along with ability to prosecute those who commit fraud related to certification and contracting with the State. While MBEs are leading these efforts legitimate WBEs also support these efforts as the removal of fraud will benefit them.
MBEs are one of the REAL solutions for reducing unemployment and improving the economy in Connecticut.
Registration is not required; however, we ask that you registrater for the event to help us project attendance. Please click here to register and share this information with others.
The CT Business & Industry Association (CBIA) is hosting Connecticut Business Day 2012 at the L.O.B. on the same day. Therefore, MBE have been invited to join them for their scheduled events which include the 7:30am regsistraton and presentations by Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman and Commissioner Catherine Smith. To register in advance for the CBIA events please click here.