Nazi Propaganda (1933-1945) - Is Newt part of the continuum? | The FICKLIN MEDIA GROUP,LLC

Nazi Propaganda (1933-1945) - Is Newt part of the continuum? | The FICKLIN MEDIA GROUP,LLC
I post this link knowing that I will receive some potential criticism. I am in no way saying that Newt is a neo nazi. I am suggesting that history can inform. I would like be a little personal and say that we are at the precipice of the most critical election in my lifetime. Newt may or may not receive the Republican Party nomination. But he is deploying his American right to free speech in a very artful fashion. History is replete with demagogues. Whether he will be in the final analysis judged as a current incarnation of such an archetype remains to be seen. In the meantime, he brings a clear message which you may or may not agree with. For the sake of our united and sometimes fractured political and psychological states not being aware of this current media maelstrom could be perilous.
