Milford to honor Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 15 - News - The Bulletin

Milford to honor Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 15 - News - The Bulletin: "MILFORD — The annual observance of Reflections: A Tribute To The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will be held Sunday, Jan. 15, 4 p.m., in Milford City Hall auditorium.

This is the 26th year that the Milford Chapter of The Links Inc., a women’s service organization, has sponsored the event, but the first since the dedication of Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The Stone of Hope Statue of Dr. King is the first on the National Mall devoted, not to a U.S. President or war hero, but a citizen activist for civil rights, peace and justice for all mankind. The figure of Dr. King was sculpted by renowned artist Master Lei Yixin, who captured him in a moment of reflective thought.
