Gilder Lehrman Center Events Calendar

Gilder Lehrman Center Events Calendar:

GLC Upcoming Events—Spring 2012

Please see below for a list of upcoming events for January and February.  For a full schedule for the spring semester, please visit

Wednesday, January 25, 2012. 12:00 pm
“Emancipated into the State: American Reconstruction and the Problem of Occupation”
Greg Downs, Associate Professor of History, City College of New York
Location: 230 Prospect St., Room 101
This talk is part of the GLC Brown Bag Lunch Series. Bring your lunch and we'll provide the drinks & dessert.

Monday, January 30, 2012.  12:00 pm
“Amistad Remembered: History, Memory and the Making of the Abolitionist Past”
Robert Wolff, Professor of History, Central Connecticut State University
Location: 230 Prospect St., Room 101
This talk is part of the GLC Brown Bag Lunch Series. Bring your lunch and we'll provide the drinks & dessert.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012. 12:00 pm
“Gulliver's Travels: Slavery, Political Economy and Empire ca. 1715-ca.1725”
Steven Pincus, Bradford Durfee Professor of History, Yale University
Location: 230 Prospect St., Room 101
This talk is part of the GLC Brown Bag Lunch Series. Bring your lunch and we'll provide the drinks & dessert.

Monday, February 6, 2012. 12:00 pm
“Figuring the Figurehead in Benito Cereno: The True Crime of Melville’s ‘True Crime Fiction’”
Gabrielle Guise, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of American Studies, Yale University
This talk is part of the GLC Brown Bag Lunch Series. Bring your lunch and we'll provide the drinks & dessert.

Monday, February 13, 2012. 12:00 pm
“Set Them in a Blaze: John Quincy Adams and the Fight Against the Slave Power”
Charles Edel, PhD Student, Department of History, Yale University
Location: 230 Prospect St., Room 101
This talk is part of the GLC Brown Bag Lunch Series. Bring your lunch and we'll provide the drinks & dessert.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012.  12:00 pm
“Look Behind the Label: Rhetorics and Narratives of Contemporary Slavery”
Samuel Martinez, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Latin American Studies, University of Connecticut
Location: 230 Prospect St., Room 101
This talk is part of the GLC Brown Bag Lunch Series. Bring your lunch and we'll provide the drinks & dessert.
