Connecticut Network Weekly Coverage Highlights
Hartford, CT – The following events are scheduled for coverage the week of January 16, 2012 by the Connecticut Network:
Monday January 16, 2012
- Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Ceremony
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
- Department of Labor Conn-OSHA Breakfast “Call Before You Dig” Law Presentation
- Connecticut Women’s Council Capitol Happenings: Innovations and Trends in Our State
Wednesday January 18, 2012
- State Elections Enforcement Commission January 18 Meeting
- The Federalist Society: “Obamacare and the Individual Mandate” Talk and Commentary (LIVE on
CT-N.com, 9 am) - Public Utilities Regulatory Authority Regular Meeting to include NU-NStar Merger Jurisdiction Decision
- Connecticut State Board of Education January Meeting (LIVE on CT-N and CT-N.com, 11 am)
- Labor and Public Employees Committee Informational Hearing on Centralization of Police Dispatchers (LIVE on CT-N.com, 1 pm)
Thursday January 19, 2012
- CT Health Insurance Exchange Board January 19 Meeting
- Board of Regents For Higher Education January 19 Meeting
- Education Cost Sharing Task Force January 19 Meeting (LIVE on CT-N and CT-N.com, 2 pm)
- 1000 Friends of Connecticut Lecture With Dept. of Economic & Community Development Commissioner Catherine Smith
Friday, January 20, 2012
- Connecticut’s Transportation Future Forum