Anatomyzing Divinity Studies in Science, Esotericism and Political Theology: "A Whig Manifesto
A short history of the Whig movement with Modern Whig Party perspectives on current political and social controversies
The modern Whig movement and, specifically, the Modern Whig Party is a quickly growing third party in America and this book examines its political philosophy. Drawing from the history and traditions of the party—those that animated the public policies and careers of such great American Whigs as George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, and Abraham Lincoln—this book explains the set of core beliefs that Whigs believe are essential to American governance. It goes on to relate how Whig ideology can be applied to current governmental issues today, touching upon the mortgage crisis, taxes, civil rights, and health care. Making the case for American political and economic nationalism, this manifesto offers insights into a uniquely American philosophy that fostered the most successful and prosperous nation in history."

FICKLIN Media Note: I love it when historians reference America's glory days from a wealth accumulation standpoint  but choose to ignore that the free loan and free black community investment in the white man's prosperity created that prosperity. If you had access to  centuries of black gold for free you would be wealthy as
well !

Of course such greed led to the Civil War.
