Side by Side Marriage Enrichment Ministry:
SBS intends to infuse your marital home with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge by providing continual opportunities that will inform and inspire husbands and wives to sustain a lifelong commitment to the Covenant of Marriage by integrating theological and biblical principles from ten categorical theme topics for daily application to support and promote our core objectives:
Establishing Prayer as the foundation for enriching the Marriage Covenant
Emphasizing the significance of the Marriage Covenant
Understanding the Oneness of the Marriage Covenant
This edition is dedicated to the memory of Mother Nettie Lorriane Hall-Evans. She was a strong encourager of many ministries at Varick Memorial AME Zion. She was loved; she is missed and she will be remebered by many.
Special Upcoming Event
A SBS Fellowship Social
at the
Cast Iron Restaurant
New Haven, CT
Friday, November 11, 2011
7pm to 9 pm
Special Upcoming Event
A SBS Fellowship Social
at the
Cast Iron Restaurant
New Haven, CT
Friday, November 11, 2011
7pm to 9 pm