Healthy NABJ 2011 - National Association of Black Journalists
Members of the National Association of Black Journalists know that health issues are ranked among the highest topics of interest to their viewers, readers and listeners. Members also know that they are susceptible to the same health challenges on which they report: diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, anxiety, insomnia, stress, substance abuse, kidney disease and the list goes on and on. Since journalists are disseminating expert advice from health professionals to their audiences, it makes sense for members to heed some of that advice to improve their own health profile through healthy lifestyle changes.
The primary goal of Healthy NABJ is to help members prevent the onset of these conditions, recognize their symptoms and get early treatment. The better educated our members, the better the quality of critical information they will be able to disseminate to broader audiences in a nation struggling with a plethora of health issues.