Chopra Center Newsletter

Chopra Center Newsletter

Don Miguel Ruiz - SynchroDestiny guest speaker from Chopra Center on Vimeo.

From the moment we become aware of the world around us, we begin to wonder about our place within it. The questions we ask are timeless: Why am I here? How do I fit into the scheme of things? What is my destiny?

As children, we tend to think of the future as a clean sheet of paper upon which we can write our own stories. The possibilities seem endless, and we are energized by the promise of discovery and the sheer pleasure of living immersed in so much potential. But as we grow up, become adults, and are "educated" about our limitations, our view of the future becomes constricted. What once lifted our imaginations now weighs us down with dread and anxiety. What once felt boundless becomes narrow.

All too often, ego intervenes. Our thoughts, influenced by external factors – money worries, job stress, relationship tensions – end up hindering our spiritual development, and we find ourselves moving in a direction opposite from where we want to go.

Two ways to overcome that tendency are to meditate and to practice positive inner dialogue. Positive inner dialogue helps move us in the right direction, fosters synchronicity, and promotes spiritual development. With positive internal dialogue, we can create self-power. This is one of the foundations of SynchroDestiny – the ability to co-create with the universe to fulfill our deepest intentions and desires.
