Banner Daily Affirmations
Affirmations this month Submitted by —Rev. Dr. Linda McNamar
The spiritual quest is the way in which we discover our deepest values, meanings, and comforts in life. There are many pathways available for people who seek to understand and experience individual spirituality. Spiritual practices are the ways each of us develop a deeper, more personal relationship with infinite Spirit and foster our interconnectedness with all living creatures.
You, as well as anyone, can develop the capacity to see life as it is, with its dark side and its light, and learn to change the direction you are headed. Affirmations are one of the ways you can set the direction of your life and allow Spirit to create it for you. My desire in writing these Daily Guides is that, in reading them, you will find some awareness for your own life and also find a way to share your insights with others. I have found that as I combine full personal responsibility for my life with a deep awareness of the presence of Spirit as my guide, I live with a lighter, freer heart. I trust that you will find this true for yourself as well.
Rev. Dr. Linda McNamar has served United Centers for Spiritual Living in many capacities during her twenty-five years of ministry. She has written and developed many classes including a curriculum for Dr. Ernest Holmes's book, This Thing Called You. She is a frequent teacher at Holmes Institute and a regular contributor to Science of Mind magazine. Dr. Linda is the minister of the Center for Spiritual Living, Laguna Woods, California, which is, as she says, the most awesome group of spiritual people over fifty that you can find. She and her husband Mac live in Laguna Woods Village.
Note: Feel free to forward this email to friends and family who might be interested.
Your Daily Affirmations for the
first week of May, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Today, I know that love is the guiding power in my life. Recognizing my oneness with all people, I move forward on my spiritual path toward a greater way of living.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Today, I release all doubt and fear. I bring joy and enthusiasm into everything I do, say, or think. I know how to plan my life and direct my path, because I recognize that the creative energy of the Universe is doing this for me by doing it through me.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Today, I become aware of my world as an expression of Divine Intelligence. I trust the wisdom that flows through me from this Source. I walk in the light of love and truth.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Today, I open my mind to the inflowing ideas of the Divine Mind. I have faith in the refreshing, restoring, creative power of Spirit, and I move through my circumstances with ease and confidence.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Today, I approach life with a thankful heart. Right here and right now, I am an instrument through which Life flows, and I say yes to my joy.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Today, wisdom, love, and truth flow into and through my mind and heart. Every answer I seek is made known to me in perfect timing.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Today, I stand in the truth of my being. I shake up old ways of being and doing and move into all that is possible for me. I let go of the past. I look to the future. I live in the present.
