Is the World Too Big to Fail? The Contours of Global Order

Is the World Too Big to Fail? The Contours of Global Order | Truthout: "That has been the re­gular pro­cess since the Rea­gan years, each crisis more ex­treme than the last -- for the pub­lic popula­tion, that is. Right now, real un­employ­ment is at De­press­ion levels for much of the popula­tion, while Goldman Sachs, one of the main architects of the cur­rent crisis, is rich­er than ever. It has just quiet­ly an­noun­ced $17.5 bi­ll­ion in com­pen­sa­tion for last year, with CEO Lloyd Blankfein re­ceiv­ing a $12.6 mill­ion bonus while his base sala­ry more than tri­ples."
