CONNECTICUT COMMISSION ON HEALTH EQUITY (CHE) Eliminating Health Disparities and Improving the Health for all Connecticut Residents

Eliminating Health Disparities and Improving the Health for all Connecticut Residents
 The Connecticut Commission on Health Equity (CHE) will host a Public Forum in Bridgeport on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 from 6p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at the Bridgeport Public Library. We hope to draw the greater public, health professionals, public officials, and the academic community for a discussion on health disparities in Bridgeport. There will be a brief showing of the documentary, Unnatural Causes.
 This is event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.
 For further information, contact Dr. Raja Staggers-Hakim, Executive Director – Commission on Health Equity.

Raja Staggers-Hakim, Ph.D., MPH
Executive Director
State of Connecticut Commission on Health Equity
P.O. Box 1543, Hartford, CT. 06144
Phone: (860) 297-3847
Fax: (860) 297-3992
