Register now while there are still seats available! There are three convenient ways to register. You can either clickRegistration to register online, print and mail in registration or walk into our office to register. Call (203) 498-2031 for further information.
About Us
Outreach School of Real Estate is an educational facility designed to prepare students for the real estate world. Established in 2010 by Roberta Hoskie-Graham and Tameka Hoskie-Robinson, the school has an up and coming future, capitalizing on the simple truth - the real estate business is tangible to anyone willing to strive for it. Most people believe the opportunity to become and agent was out of their reach. Our goal is to educate and empower students with traditional and contemporary real estate practices, thus giving them the upper hand.
With our flexible class schedules, Outreach makes it easier for students to be able to work, go to school and enjoy their families, all while preparing themselves for a future in Real Estate. Our class are only 8 weeks long and you will be ready to take your state exam.
You may say to yourself, "I won't make it as a real estate agent. I've never done sales before." Well, even if you've never thought about being a salesperson, Outreach's instructors are well equipped with the experience and tools you will need to start off in this competitive, yet rewarding real estate world. They will work with you personally to make sure you become confident and have a working knowledge of the principles and practices of real estate in Connecticut.
So make the decision to make change that will change your life. The time is now.
With our flexible class schedules, Outreach makes it easier for students to be able to work, go to school and enjoy their families, all while preparing themselves for a future in Real Estate. Our class are only 8 weeks long and you will be ready to take your state exam.
You may say to yourself, "I won't make it as a real estate agent. I've never done sales before." Well, even if you've never thought about being a salesperson, Outreach's instructors are well equipped with the experience and tools you will need to start off in this competitive, yet rewarding real estate world. They will work with you personally to make sure you become confident and have a working knowledge of the principles and practices of real estate in Connecticut.
So make the decision to make change that will change your life. The time is now.