Building Blocks of Educational Excellence Campaign/Reception/AwardCeremony.
December 16 in Stamford CT from 6pm - 9 pm
Hosted by Gwen Samuel & The State of Black CT Alliance

Incredible Speakers, Readers, Honorees. I wish I could tell you them all instead go here:

Music, Poetry, Readings around the State on that day. Even my daughter will be Performing at the event, repin' the National Honor Society. Not too many people get after it like Gwen Samuel, when she get's after it.

GS 277-180

Our Building Blocks of Educational Excellence Campaign has as its focus, to narrow Connecticut's and America’s knowledge, skill and opportunity gap, and to build a parent, family, community engagement, and empowerment/mobilization effort within vulnerable communities. It is our target goal to be instrumental in implementing and sustaining best practice education, social justice and economic reforms.

Tickets: $125 donation
Wanna go, can't afford it? I will discuss: How to raise the money?
Listen to internet radio with Ted Harge on Blog Talk Radio
