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HBCUs Online | Historically Black Colleges and Universities | Home
Participating Schools
HBCUsOnline has partnered with some of the country’s finest accredited HBCUs. These universities are producers of thousands of successful professionals and global leaders. Starting right now, through HBCUsOnline, you can apply to become a student of any one of these renowned institutions and be connected to a university that has a real legacy and a proud alumni network. Sign up here to be alerted via email when more schools partner with us.

Hampton University
Located along southeastern Virginia’s waterfront, Hampton University is a comprehensive institution of higher education, dedicated to the promotion of learning, building of character and preparation of students for positions of leadership and service. Hampton University is committed to multiculturalism and places its 5,400 students at the center of its planning, including a holistic educational environment. The University offers 68 bachelor’s degrees, 27 master’s degrees, and a variety of doctoral and professional degrees. Research and public service are integral parts of Hampton's mission. In achieving this, the University offers exemplary programs and opportunities, which enable students, faculty and staff to grow, develop and contribute to our society in a productive and useful manner.
Learn more about Hampton University

Texas Southern University
Texas Southern University possesses an impressive array of more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs and concentrations, a diverse faculty, 80-plus student organizations, and an alumni network comprised of educators, entrepreneurs, public servants, lawyers, pilots, artists, and more, many of whom are change agents on the local, national and international stage.
