From the HUDDLE : EXCLUSIVE: WATERS' COUNTEROFFENSIVE 2.0: With the ethics committee still unclear about when it will 'try' her over allegations that she improperly intervened with the Treasury Department on behalf of a bank in which her husband owns stock, Rep. Maxine Waters has launched an ETHICS-FOCUSED WEBSITE. It leads with her mantra in the case: 'No Improper Action; No Benefit; No Failure to Disclose; No One Influenced; No Case!' Proceeds go to her campaign committee, Citizens for Waters, and can be used to pay legal bills. A campaign source says it will be a 'one stop shop' for new information about the ethics case beginning next week. POLITICO first reported recently that she had established a separate legal defense fund. Campaign funds are a bit more flexible. Waters continues to take the offensive in her ethics case: Yesterday, supporters handed out campaign-style handbills and buttons at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's legislative meeting at the D.C. Convention Center. Here's the new site: www.maxinewaters.org.
