Everyone knows that vinegar enhances the flavor of foods and cleans windows like no other. But, did you know that vinegar is an excellent health and beauty aid? After reading this article you may want to print it so you can keep it in a handy spot and refer to it often, you are also going to want to check and possibly replenish your supply of vinegar. Here are just some of the many things you can use vinegar for:
Soothe a bee sting by applying full strength vinegar to the area, (just make sure the stinger is gone), this will also help with jelly fish stings.
Relieve a sun burn by rubbing vinegar on your skin.
If dandruff is a problem you can make a solution with 1/2 cup vinegar and 2 cups warm water to apply after shampooing, then do a final rinse. This will also help with frizzy hair. If your hair is oily, rinse with a 50-50 mixture of vinegar and water to get rid of the oil. For healthy hair drink a mixture of 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of molasses. To help cover grays stir 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar into a gallon of warm water and use as a final rinse after shampooing.
You can add a ¼ cup of vinegar to your vaporizer to help with sinus problems, chest cold or headache. Gargle a half vinegar and half warm water mixture to relieve a sore throat and you can repeat this method every hour as needed.
You can use vinegar as a diet aid instead of taking pills to suppress your appetite. Just mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, some honey for flavor and 8 oz. of water.
Use as a deodorant, just wipe your arm pits with a cloth moistened in vinegar and it will help you smell fresh for hours. If stinky feet are a problem for you soak your feet every night for 10 minutes or more in a solution of 1 ounce of vinegar in a gallon of water.