African Diaspora Archaeology Newsletter, African American Archaeology Newsletter
The African Diaspora Archaeology Newsletter is published quarterly, with issues in March, June, September, and December, and addresses the subject areas of African diasporas worldwide and related archaeological and historical studies. Our Newsletter issues serve a readership of several thousand stakeholders, researchers, and educators across the globe. The current publication is a successor to the "African-American Archaeology Newsletter" that was produced in hard copy editions up through 2000. Please contact us if you have essays, analysis papers, project reports, announcements, book reviews, or news updates that you would like to contribute to this newsletter. Send the text and images for such submissions to editor Chris Fennell, and inquiries concerning book reviews to our book review editor, John McCarthy. Thanks!
You can browse through each of the issues below, or run searches using our full-textsearch engine. You can also navigate within this web site by clicking on the subjects on the world map displayed at the top of each menu page.