PLAN WELL AND EXECUTE: Value of learning applies to all of us, not just the young- The New Haven Register - Serving New Haven, Connecticut
By Cornell Wright, Special to the Register
It is that time again. What time you might ask? It is back-to-school time.
Some local school districts have started their fall classes and the institutions of higher learning are opening their doors to new and returning students. However, the case I am making today is for as many of us as possible to head back to learning and perhaps school.
Today, I am taking a broad perspective on going back to school. Many of us associate school with learning. As business owners and employees we need to learn more about concepts and topics across an ever-increasing body of knowledge.
As you chart the course of your business and personal life, especially today, what you don’t know could hurt you. In most ways our world has changed. New rules of business engagement are being developed on a daily basis. And because of the extended recession every customer, associate and business contact is just that much more important to your business and perhaps economic survival