Vision Carriers :: Lunations
No Means Next
Full Moon
August 24, 2010
1 Pisces 25’
What I think within myself and what I say to myself is what determines the life I experience, the health I express, the prosperity I attract
to myself, the circumstances that I have to meet. —Eric Butterworth
When the Moon is Full, that which is real and true is often inescapable and uncontrollable as far as keeping a lid on is concerned. The Full Moon is always a mirror, a full reflection of what is. That which appears in the mirror of your life is bright and clear, even if it’s crying time. In tarot, the card that is called the Moon is actually assigned to Pisces. The Moon key, key 18 is also attributed to the corporeal or bodily intelligence. The body is where the mind and the emotions meet. We call it mind over matter. Mind directs and overcomes, but it does not override. In other words, the body does not lie. Your secret thoughts and feelings are not secret to the body.