Letter to the Editor by Gwen Samuel pertaining to the Manchester Shootings

My name is Gwen Samuel, Executive Director and Co-Founder of the State of Black CT Alliance (SBCTA) which convenes a statewide network of stakeholders committed to creating a high quality of life for Connecticut’s Black community through accountability, policy research, community services, education and advocacy

First and foremost, my heartfelt prayers go out to all of the families of the victims of the fatal Manchester Connecticut shooting that left 9 dead.

Secondly, we must ensure support services are made available to the families of the victims immediately.

Thirdly, please take note, every time there is a massive loss of life somewhere in the world, and pictures are being beamed on television and over the Internet, there are always questions about the how, why and when to talk to kids about the tragedy. Now and in the days to come the news will be about the fatal shooting in Manchester CT and the discussions of Race will be heightened because of the allegations of Racism.
