About Boost! | United Way of Greater New Haven

About Boost! | United Way of Greater New Haven
United Way of Greater New Haven, New Haven Public Schools and The City of New Haven created Boost! to ensure that every young person has the support and services he or she needs to succeed.
The Boost! partnership will design and manage coordinated “wraparound” services in New Haven schools. These services will support student learning and enhance students’ ability focus and learn in the classroom. Services may be provided by the school system, other public agencies, community-based, faith-based, non-profit organizations and/or other community partners.
United Way of Greater New Haven will manage the delivery of services and will work with the partnership to make the best use of existing and new resources in the schools and in the community. Together, we will respond to the physical, social, emotional, and learning needs of young people by facilitating access to services, reducing duplication of effort, and promoting best practices.
Boost! partners will promote communication and coordination among schools, non-profit organizations and families and will collaborate on the identification and removal of barriers to services. We will evaluate wraparound services and the delivery system for them so that we can improve and refine services to meet critical needs.
In 2010, Boost! partners will focus on planning and infrastructure/capacity building and will implement a pilot effort in targeted New Haven Public Schools (beginning in September 2010).
