This is a question that is well worth examining from many different angles. Who is in charge of the humans, do humans need handlers/controllers? Humans are hard wired to be controlled; hard wired for slavery. Because of this the vast majority readily accept the need for control by government, corporations, religion/spiritual constructs and education. These systems are presented to us from birth as separate forces through which our lives are subtly restricted and controlled.

It is clear that this kind of hard wiring convinces us to relinquish our power to those who have hypnotized us into believing that they know what is best for us. Guidance from our parents is certainly essential upon entering this realm of forgetfulness. However the above systems of control have acted as an extension of the guidance of our parents. Reality as experienced from its more basic and common levels is a unique cult experience (yes I said cult experience) as we sway to subtle tones of conformity. We cling dearly to common actions, common possibilities and common results. Even our scientists struggle with pushing the envelope and there are those who have suffered great ridicule or worse for birthing new possibilities although not yet proven.
