Hip Deep is a media project dedicated to the idea that music is a key to understanding everything: History, religion, cultures, political and social realities, science, families, and even human nature itself. Music contains the deep DNA of past events, and reveals a roadmap to the future. A deep enquiry into music lets us understand why the world is the way it is and begin to see where it is headed.
Hip Deep has been created and maintained with major support from the National Endowment for the Humanities. At its core is a set of one-hour radio programs produced within the Afropop Worldwide public radio series, available on air and on line. Each of these programs is created with the collaboration of leading humanities scholars, and each is rich with beautiful and inspiring music—from evocations of the imagined sounds of Medieval Moorish Spain, to the latest hip-hop sounds from Colombia or Ghana. Since 1988, Afropop Worldwide has been reporting on the music of Africa and the far-flung African Diaspora, from the Americas and Europe to the Middle East. Hip Deep explores the stories behind this music in narratives of movement and transformation that take us from the trendiest club sounds all the way back to the dawn of civilization.