2010 Nat Turner Day Pre-Registration

2010 Nat Turner Day Pre-Registration
The Khildren of Southampton (KOS) is an organized movement of conscious Afrikan Nationalists devoted to liberating the mind, body, and spirit of the global Afrikan community. The organization’s goal is to resurrect true Afrikan Nationalist thought and action.

A true Afrikan Nationalist is a Black man, woman, or child who:

1. Always practices “Race First” principles

2. Has a Black Mother and Father

3. Knows the only acceptable sexual relationship is between a

consenting Black man and Black woman

4. Openly denounces all forms of white-sex perversion

(pedophilia, homosexuality, etc...)

5. Openly denounces all forms of social integration with whites

6. Identifies white supremacy as the central factor in the

oppression of Afrikans worldwide.
