On The Benefits of Open Discussions About Racism
June 7, 2010
by Lurie Daniel Favors, Attorney at Law
This politically correct game of pretend has also had the perverse effect of forcing cross-racial discussion of racism under ground. Once being pro-actively, affirmatively & openly racist was effectively outlawed, holding racist views was no longer “socially” acceptable – at least not openly. No one says what they really think out of fear of being labeled a racist. Tim Wise has an excellent piece detailing how the social consciousness of America shifted to reject open displays of racism only after it was against the law to do so.
June 7, 2010
by Lurie Daniel Favors, Attorney at Law
This politically correct game of pretend has also had the perverse effect of forcing cross-racial discussion of racism under ground. Once being pro-actively, affirmatively & openly racist was effectively outlawed, holding racist views was no longer “socially” acceptable – at least not openly. No one says what they really think out of fear of being labeled a racist. Tim Wise has an excellent piece detailing how the social consciousness of America shifted to reject open displays of racism only after it was against the law to do so.