Public Forum: What Would Socialist Health Care Look Like? May 8th at 2:00 pm

Public Forum: What Would Socialist Health Care Look Like?
May 8th at 2:00 pm
Wilson Branch Library at 303 Washington Ave in New Haven
Health care reform passed through Congress and was signed by the President with much fanfare and attention from politicians and media, while millions of Americans do not have access to ad- equate health care because they do not have health insurance. The reform bill provides only a man- date that those millions buy their own health insurance if they do not get it through their employer.
The health care reform bill amounted to nothing more than a bailout for the insurance companies, following the tradition of the bailouts for the banking and automotive industries. Real change would do away with for-profit insurance companies, and provide health care for all people.
Join the Party for Socialism and Liberation on Saturday, May 8th for a public meeting on healthcare. Learn how socialist countries like Cuba organize their healthcare systems. Find out what health care in the U.S. would look like if money spent towards imperialist wars and occupations and the bank and insurance company bailouts were spent on addressing people’s needs instead -- what health care would look like under socialism.
Sponsored by the Party for Socialism and Liberation, a member of the ANSWER Coalition Steering Committee.


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