Preparing For Peace | Global Oneness Project
Preparing For Peace
Peace is not a fallback position that exists in the quiet absence of conflict. Neither is it part of an "either-or" equation—"either we are at war or we are at peace." Rather, peace is a natural backdrop to existence, a dynamic and demanding way of living, and a way of building a future on the enduring foundations of trust, respect, cooperation, and the recognition of life’s intrinsic value.
As resources of the Earth become depleted, and countries and regions struggle over rights to food, water, and energy, conflicts will become more pressing and complex, underscoring the importance of practicing peace now. A first step is to understand that peace is a power within ourselves and the world that is activated and lived when we free ourselves from narrow defense strategies and choose instead to listen and open ourselves to the "other," discover shared interests, and invest our resources in values and practices that safe-guard all life.