Meal Planning for Health and Budget: Planning for summer's.Wednesday, May 26, 2010 from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (ET)

Meal Planning for Health and Budget: Planning for summer's... - Eventbrite
Re-discover the old-fashioned virtue of meal planning! Learn how to take advantage of locally grown and seasonal foods to plan and prepare nutritious, affordable meals that taste good.
Meal planning is coming back into style for lots of good simple reasons: it saves time, money and effort and produces healthy, delicious meals.
This program is presented by Wendy Battles, The Clean Eating Coach. She will help you start the habit of planning meals to save money in the food store and time in the kitchen—while still bringing attractive and nutritious meals to the family table. She focuses on creating a clean eating lifestyle that is free of processed food, salt and sugar— but full of good taste. More about Wendy at
