The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Incorporated, Delta Phi Chapter, held their 24th Annual African American Legacy Luncheon with the theme, " Narrowing the Achievement Gap:Embracing Education" on Saturday, January 23, 2010 at the Grassy Hill Country Club, in Orange, CT.Over 200 folks were in attendance to salute to honorees and to enjoy the food and fellowship when the right combination is in play.Life is often perceived as a gamble and roulette wheel. The key to unlocking the mystery is to be the key maker, work on your locksmith skills, study the landscape and jigsaw puzzle and invite others join you in the collective monopoly game. If you title the game the people's monopoly we all can win. Producing this win win for everyone, minimizing the individual losses and maximizing the mutual benefits is the formula. Our collective presence is too big to fail, but everyone must seize their role as teacher-doer-servant and lover.

The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc, Delta Phi Chapter received it's charter on Saturday, April 9, 1983 and on October 17, 1982, ten active female African American educators convened at the home of Jessie Sizemore to discuss the possibility of establishing a chapter. On March 12, 1983,18 pledgees were initiated into the first Krinon Club of Delta Phi Chapter.( as an aside -the question needs to be asked as to why Jesse Sizemore never became Superintendent of New Haven Schools- I will give you a hint, it is the same reason the M.Jean Cherry, never became head of the Greater New Haven Urban League-but I digress)

For the past two decades, Delta Phi has supported and implemented the YES program.(Youth Empowerment, Education and Service) As we seem to be in another periodic revisiting of school reform- as if the writings of John Dewey, Jonathan Kozol and even Plato were not sufficient Delta Phi reminds us by their existence and community diligence that the educational formula can not only be drawn on a black board but can be put into motion in real life.

Congrats to the Honorees: Mrs. Brenda Thomas, Ms. Virgiree Moore, Ms. Sadiya De Irish-Senior, Mr.Anthony Vaughan,Mrs. Charlotte Williams, Mrs, Marilyn Moore, Mrs.Lola Nathan, Dr, Irene Tracey,Mr, Rudolph Hylton, Mrs, Lillian Holmes, Mr, Donald Fleming, Mr, Carl Babb, Mrs, Tracy Harris.
