Wednesday, January 27th @ 12:00pm: "Neo-Nazis and Antisemitism in Germany East and West 20 Years after Reunification"
The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary
Study of Antisemitism

The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA) is dedicated to the scholarly research of the origins and manifestations associated with antisemitism globally, as well as other forms of prejudice, including racisms, as it relates to policy. Through the examination of antisemitism and policy, YIISA disseminates scholarly material so to promote further understanding and contribute to aspects of policy analysis. YIISA is housed at the Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS), Yale University

YIISA announces a Spring 2010 Film Series. Click here for more details.

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, January 27th @ 12:00pm: Lunch and Learn!
"Neo-Nazis and Antisemitism in Germany East and West 20 Years after Reunification"
Anetta Kahane, Chairperson, Amadeu Antonio Foundation
Heike Radvan, Amadeu Antonio Foundation
Andres J. Nader, Amadeu Antonio Foundation
Please RSVP to or 203.432.5239.
