Why Green is so important!

Why Green is so important!
Research data about green leave vegetables
by Ka Sundance
Almost all of the wild vegetarian animals on this earth eat a high percentage of greens in their diet, so it is obvious that we should as well, especially if you have a look what science found out about the nutrition of green, and the unbelievable high percentage of minerals and vitamins in it.
I would go so far, and call it one of the most important supper food of nature. This is definitively the food of the future! And the best part about it is:
It is for free, and available in abundance almost everywhere in the world.

Greens are rich in potassium, calcium, iron and zinc and also is magnesium. All of these minerals are essential for
human health.
We need to include green vegetables often in our diets in a form that is easily to assimilate by the body.

We also need to include the richer greens, those that contain the most minerals, more often in our diet.
Green-leaf vegetables are the best source of folic acid and folates - which are of particular importance for pregnant women.

- Help you overcome cravings and addictions of all kinds

- Help you reach your ideal weight

- Help you feel so energetic that you'll literally jump out
of bed in the morning!

- Help you prevent and heal dental problems

- Help you prevent and overcome deficiencies of all kinds.

Here's are a few facts about greens vegetables you might not know, and will help you to understand the importance of eating loads of it!

- Greens contain more vitamin A than carrots

- Greens contain more vitamin C than oranges

- Greens contain more vitamin E than whole wheat

- Greens contain more vitamin B2 and digestable calcium than milk

- Greens contain quality proteins

But there's even more.

Greens provide essential alkaline minerals such as calcium and magnesium that are found in insufficient quantities in fruit, nuts and seeds, not to mention other more
conventional, acid-forming foods.
To provide enough minerals in the diet, we need a sufficient quantity of green vegetables.

We need also a good variety of green vegetables -- just celery and romaine lettuce might not be enough to provide to most people's mineral needs.
I have interviewed almost all of the famous long term raw fooders of the world, like David Wolfe, Shazzie, Kevin Gianni, Matt Monarch, Angela Stokes, Kate Magic and many more. And one thing they had all in common was, that they told me that they juice lots of green, and believe that this is important!
The very best source of green we discovered is the wild edibles! So we tried to increase our amount of green, especially the wild edibles.

Did you know that stinging nettles compared to normal organic lettuce has about

30 times more Vitamin C
20 times more Pro vitamin A
40 times more Calcium
25 times more Magnesium
And 50 times more iron!!
Think about this one!!
They are just so much more valuable than the domesticated ones!!
These are amazing news! Wild edibles are such a super super food, I cant even describe the importance of it!
And again: It is available almost everywhere and in abundance! So take the what mother nature is offering and keep on walking towards health!
Maybe one sentences about the essential fatty acids. In order to absorb especially all the minerals in the green leaves, make sure that you also eat enough of the important essential fatty acids.
Especially hemp seeds are good, because they have the optimal relationship of Omega 3,6 and 9 for our bodies to absorb.
But also flax, and sesame is very good.
Just do a delicious smoothie after you had your greens!
If you follow this, you ill experience a boost in your energy and health level. So lets get started. Go GREEN
© 2009 by Ka Sundance your raw food coach
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Written by Ka Sundance author, publisher, TV- host and coach for people who want to improve their lifes. Visit his website at http://www.rawfoodcoach.net
or mail him at
